About Castor

This page is about Castor. If you're already familiar with the product and you're interested in what Trial Data Solutions can do for you, go to the main page.
If you have a specific question or problem, contact us.

If you are not sure whether it is best to choose LibreClinica or Castor: contact us so we can discuss your situation and find what's best suited for you. (And don't worry: we have no financial interests in either one of them.)

what does it cost?

This may seem a pretty harsh question, but: Castor is a commercial company with commercial prices. Your company or institute may have a site-license and that will give you a discount, but still you pay.



  • libreclinica v1.2.1 released

    → more      11-11-2022

  • libreclinica v.1 released

    → more      27-2-2020

  • defaults in a grid

    → more      9-2-2018

  • an automatic row number

    → more      9-1-2017

  • workshop java-script

    → more      12-7-2015

  • de-selecting radio's in a group

    → more      9-12-2014